Founded in 2008 as the ELIA (European League of Institutes of the Arts) Foundation, the foundation was further developed in 2016 by Chris Wainwright, ELIA Past President and Carla Delfos, Founder of ELIA European League of Institutes of the Arts into ‘Art Futures, Serendipity in Action’. Sadly Chris Wainwright passed away in 2017.

Together with Lars Ebert, Ben Hurkmans and John Butler, Carla Delfos further developed Art Futures into what is today.

‘Art Futures, Serendipity in Action’ is a non-profit organisation with an ANBI status, RSIN 820943277.
Aim of Art Futures, Serendipity in Action: to widen participation and engagement for future developments in the Arts in Europe and beyond.

Members Art Futures Board

The board

  • Agrees annually on activities
  • Agrees on a division of tasks to implement the activities
  • Endorses and monitors the budget
  • Endorses annual report

Staff working for Art Futures projects works on temporary freelance contract basis.