The Donne Dubbiose successfully the piece Da Capo almost 20 times in 2022 and 2023. For an impression see Donne Dubbiose spelen Da Capo. A raving review was received, for an English translation please click here.
The Donne Dubbiose, Selma Susanna and Carla Delfos, discovered each other during their study at the Theaterschool in Amsterdam in the 70’ties.
Recently they developed the theatre piece DA CAPO in which they invite the audience to travel a bit with them and let the audience witness what they read, heard and saw. Fragments, images, thoughts, poems, music and the search for the answer to the question: what is easier, remembering or forgetting?
Selma Susanna and Carla Delfos, composition and acting
Suzanne Mateysen, music and singer
Jitte Hoekstra, film-images
Rob Goudsmit, light
Advisors: Fried Mertens, Ben Hurkmans
Financial support: Stichting Art Futures, Studio Selma Susanna
Currently Selma Susanna and Carla Delfos are developing a new piece.